Saturday, April 28, 2012

Moral Police of Iran

Back in 1979, leader of the Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini, established "Basij", paramilitary volunteer militia whose duty is to act as morality police ever since the revolution. They are arresting women who are not dressed Islamic enough, prohibiting connections between unmarried men and women, confiscating satellite dishes and in general trying to stop any form of "westoxification", which is threatening to the Iranian national identity

Rasht is the biggest city on the south Caspian coast. Being the major trade connection between Russia and Europe for centuries, the city is known as the "Gate of Europe". Like in any big cities in the world, most of the young Iranians are following the newest fashion. However, dressing properly can be tricky, because of the strict Islamic laws. Girls who put too much make-up, dye their hair, mix their jeans with the traditional hijabs or even wear jackets which can show small parts of their arms, are in danger of being arrested by the so-called morality police, who can appear anywhere at any time. They are the eyes of supreme leaders, whose pictures are decorating street walls of Rasht and many other cities. Their recent actions caused closing of some cafes, restaurants and other places where young people would break the moral law.

Their eyes are following you!

People that you can see in the streets of Iran are not the same people you see in their houses. Women are not wearing hijabs, taboo subjects are allowed, facebook, youtube and foreign TV channels are not forbidden, and you can even drink alcohol. Our host was a modern girl, very intelligent, open and of course, really hospitable, like all of the Iranian people. After she made delicious breakfast for us, we borrowed her friend Moein to help us explore the city. The temperature was very hot, so being an Italian girl, Ilaria forgot about her moral obligation towards this country. While being busy exploring the city, all of us didn't notice that her shirt sleeves were few millimeters shorter than usual. But there is always somebody whose job is to notice...

A black ninja woman with evil eyes appeared out of nowhere, and started talking with us with a tone that my geography teacher used to talk to me some 20 years ago, as he was mad at me, as I imitated him in front of everybody. We didn't realize what's the problem about, until another man appeared to support her. They were dressed like all other civilians, with a small difference as they were carrying some sort of a radio in their hands. Apparently, Ilaria didn't get arrested, as they have small tolerance towards foreigners, and Moein acted like he just met us. Otherwise, being a local, he would have been in a trouble. Ilaria's sin was forgiven by the supreme leader's messenger so we were free to walk further. Or was it just an illusion?

1 comment:

  1. Dear traveller, it was not an illusion. It's the good country's idiot people. We have same in Turkey and we have a saying *Türkiye İran olmayacak* which means, Turkey won't be like Iran. Another thing i hate is those nice people like your host, are facing to troubles of the system. When i see American and European spoiled bastards and who behave like knows much and live much better. Totally wrong. I want to mention one more thing i met with a lot of Canadian and American idiots who deserve much worse life than people in Iran. It is very good text. Iranian leaders have right about protecting their country from American and European Shit. Their mistake is they ruin the people's life in their country with their own shit.
