Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Please, Come to My House and be My Guest!

Visiting Iran was my dream for a long time, so I woke up early as my high enthusiasm defeated my tiredness. Urmia's population crosses one million, and the city serves as a capital of West Azerbaijan province. A huge mosque, watching over the old bazaar full of people reminded me on the atmosphere in Turkey, except that the street spice was mixed with Azeris, Kurds, Asyrians and Armenians. Constant traffic jam and crazy way of driving, was not only landmark of the city, but of the whole country.

a mosque in the center of Urmia
lunch with Yassin (our host) in his family house

On that first day I spent in their country, I discovered that Iranians have high friendship values, and being their friend even for a day means that you will remain their friend forever. I found them as very sincere, warm, well informed, intelligent and extremely hospitable people, who would share with a stranger everything they have. Therefore, saying goodbye to most of them was never easy, and I realized that one month I planned to spend in Iran will not be enough. I got to know that feeling by meeting Yassin, a friend of our busy host. He took his time, energy, car fuel, emotions and stories to share with us, showed us every corner of his city and made us feel like his siblings he didn't see for a long time. At the end of the day, he stole us from our actual host, so we spend one more night in that city without planing, just in a different house.

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